
Five students in Ferndale, Washington are interested in taking care of their health and mental health.

digraph { ranksep=.2; size = "7.5,10"; rankdir=LR node [shape=box, fontsize=20] edge [penwidth=2] [fontsize=20] ratio=.75 //edge [style=invis] node [width=2 height=2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true] 1 [label="Environmental\nSustainability"] 2 [label="Exercise"] 3 [label="Diet"] 4 [label="Injury\nor\nIllness"] 5 [label="Mental\nHealth"][fillcolor=pink] 6 [label="First\nAid"] 7 [label="Paychologists"] 6->4 [label="May Treat"] 7->5 [label="Can Improve"] 1->3 [label="Reflects On"] 3->5 [label="May Influence"] 2->5 [label="May Influence"] 4->5 [label=""] }

* [ ] Exercise

* [ ] Diet

* [ ] First Aid